Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Day 22: 31 Day Writing Challenge

Making changes for a healthier lifestyle takes perseverance, discipline, a positive outlook. 

I have had many stops and starts and yet I press on so that I can fully participate in my kids lives.

I have been doing a lot of research into clean eating. I know sugar is a big issue for me and it seems dairy and gluten could be too. 

I know when I have been successful in the past, I had very little of either. I also had given up Diet Coke. So, since it is so important to get artificial sweeteners out of my diet, I'm giving up diet coke and all soft drinks as of Monday, Oct. 28. For good. I am also abstaining from drinking anything but water, coffee and tea until Thanksgiving week starting Nov. 1.

I am doing the Virgin Diet, which is really a 21 day detox versus an actual diet. The premise is that there are seven foods that have the highest levels of intolerance: sugar and artificial sweeteners, soy, corn, dairy, peanuts, grains/gluten and eggs. Ditch these for three weeks and then add one back per week (except for sugars and fake sweeteners) to see which cause symptoms. Many lose weight during these three weeks as well. In the meantime, you are eating fruits, vegetables, nuts (except peanuts), legumes, healthy fats, lean protein. It is a transition into whole, clean eating.

I hope this little pre-holiday detox will help me see what my food triggers are. I also hope to find new, clean eating recipes to share! I know I must find a new, meal plan I can follow for life, but this detox should help me see what items I may need to leave out of that menu. 

Wish me luck! 

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