Monday, September 27, 2010

Guilt Free Philosophy for Exercise

I am a new recruit to a philosophy I call "fit it in" fitness. As a teenager I can recall spending hours devoted to fitness. I chose aerobics as my PE elective. After school I participated in sports year-round and I usually did an hour or two of aerobics at home in the evenings.

As a single, young adult I belonged to a gym, ran in the afternoons and played Ultimate Frisbee on the weekends. But now I am a mother of three (including a newborn and a two year old), a wife, a dog owner, a home COO and a public relations executive. I am too busy for a 45 minute workout let alone several hours of working out a day. However, after having had two children in two years, I really need to get back in shape and lose those prego pounds.

After months now of agonizing how I was going to fit in a fitness regime into my already hectic life, I had an "aha moment" and came to realize that "fitting it in" is really okay. It all adds up. I don't have to (and would be hard pressed to) block off hours of time to exercise. However, much like sneaking in a few BLTs (Bites, Licks, and Tastes) here or there can result in a lot of extra calories and pounds, sneaking in a few lunges here, a ten minute walk there, and 20 feet of bear crawls with my two year old in the den can add up to burned calories and better fitness.

Some of my  fit it in activities the past few days include:
  • 500 steps to see how quickly I could do it (after watching Biggest Loser premiere) = 13:22
  • 24 wide squats while drying hands in company bathroom
  • 1 hour Zumba class with a neighbor 
  • 15 minutes of morning yoga
  • A walk through a charming mountain town
  • 15 minutes on a stair stepper in my office 
  • Sit ups and chair dips while watching a TV program
I still have a goal to get at least a good solid 30 minute workout 4-5 days a week, but if life's unexpected detours allow me to only fit it in as I can, I will give myself a break and even a pat on the back for taking a positive action. Now off to do lunges down the hall and refill my water glass!

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